Not every dog starts out as an angel, some need a little guidance and training. Here are a few tips to help you get started.
Time To Train The Dog
You just got a new puppy and want to get started on
training him, as young as possible. This is important to do early in your dog's life, in order to shape his personality and responsiveness. In this article, we will provide the best tips and tricks for training your puppy quickly and successfully.
A clicker and a few treats can be a very effective method of training your dog. Because a clicker can be easier for a dog to understand than a voice command, lessons can be quick and productive. Training sessions should not be longer than about fifteen minutes, since dogs do have short attention spans.

Although a well trained dog can be taught to put up with just about anything, there will be times and situations where they are truly uncomfortable with a person, another animal, or a place. Don't force your dog to suffer through more of this discomfort than is absolutely necessary. There is a reason that they are uncomfortable and you need to determine that reason.
Reward Positive Behaviors
When trying to
train your dog, always reinforce positive behaviors even when you're not actively in a training session. It's easy to remember to reward your dog during a training session, but it's just as important to reward your dog for those trained behaviors the rest of the time, too. This builds a good connection for the dog between the behavior and the reward.

When training your dog to walk on a leash, remember that your dog should follow where you lead, not the other way around. Dogs are pack animals, and the leader of the pack always travels in front. You want your dog to see you as the leader, so they need to learn to walk behind you. Often times when other dogs are around you will find this difficult to enforce. By using gentle reminders, along with some treats, you will be able to train your dog to always follow your lead when they are on the leash. Taking them off the leash is different. They should be allowed to move around freely when you have removed their restraints.
Train Yourself While Training Your Dog
While you are training your dog you are also training yourself. One of the most important parts of training is to be consistent. This means you, as well as your dog, need to follow the rules that you are setting. Don't confuse your dog by being inconsistent. Punishment and praise need to be doled out fairly and you can't punish your dog if you are not acting the same way each time.
In conclusion, training your puppy requires that you take a completely different approach than training an older dog. Luckily, you are starting off when it is easiest to do so. As long as you follow the tips provided, you should be able to train your dog successfully and form a great relationship between the two of you.
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