Taking The Best Care Of Your Kitten
Caring For Your Cat
Cats are an integral part of any household. Eliot once described cats as a creature on which a household depends, and there's definitely some truth in his words. Make sure that your cat is healthy so that it can stay energetic. If you've spent any amount of time browsing the Internet, you probably know that cats aren't always that agreeable. You should keep reading to learn how you can become a better pet owner.If your dog and cat are best friends, be sure to keep them separate after flea treatment. Your dog's flea products are very hazardous for cats. Cats that come in contact with dog flea products often die. Be sure to use only cat products on your cat and only dog products on your dog. Save your furniture with scratching posts and pads. It is natural for cats to want to stretch their claws out and scratch. This does not mean that a cat owner must have damaged furniture. Provide your cat with places that it is okay to scratch and redirect them there if they decide to try out your sofa. Cat scratching posts come in many shapes and materials and some cats prefer a particular type so it may take some trial and error before you find the right combination for your kitty.
Make sure your cat is properly hydrated. Like humans, cats need to drink lots of water. If they don't get enough water, they can get dehydrated, develop various health problems, or die. Make sure they always have a bowl of fresh and clean water. The bowl itself also needs to be cleaned and refilled every day. You should also keep this bowl in one location.
If you cat is pregnant is with babies, you can expect to have a lot of kittens on your hands. Create a comfortable place for the cat to deliver her babies somewhere in your home. Make sure the spot is big enough for the kittens to move around as they grow.
Feed your cats proper food. Remember that cats must eat meat. Only give your cats cat food to eat. Do not feed them or let them eat dog food. Dogs and cats have different nutritional needs and some of the ingredients in dog food could harm your cat. Feeding your cat dog food for food could also lead to malnutrition, among other issues.
While cats can be finicky and demanding, loving and taking care of a cat can be very rewarding. Whether you have a cat that has high energy or low, this advice will help you to better your relationship with your kitty. Your cat will soon be purring in anticipation.
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