You Love Your Cat And It Deserves The Very Best Care
Job number one for any cat owner is to keep your cat healthy, safe and comfortable at all times. This can be a challenge at times. Cats, like people, get sick or sad, often without any warning. It’s your responsibility as a pet owner to make sure that your beloved cat is very well taken care of.
Cat Care Tip#1: Food
The first area of good cat care to be addressed is food. Your first instinct is to always give your cat only the best cat food, but finding out which food is actually good for your cat will take a bit of research. Far too often foods are labeled premium or natural, but they may be the equal of junk food for cats. A good place to start your research may be with the vet who is treating your cat. They can make recommendations on types of food that will address any health issues your pet may be facing. Cats, like people, can become overweight and there are health issues related to obesity. You may need to look for cat food that is aimed at reducing weight. It’s important to check the ingredients label and become familiar with some of the items added to cat food. Try to avoid fillers and by-products, they add bulk to the food but have little or no nutritional value. Fillers are usually empty carbohydrates and can add to your cat’s weight problem. Foods that are high in omega 3 oils, commonly found in salmon and other fatty fish, can be very good for your cat’s skin and fur. Proteins that come from meat, such as beef, pork and bison, are easily digestible, and will help your pet’s overall health. Look past the first 3 or 4 ingredients on the food label to make sure that you are buying a good quality food for your pet. Sadly, there are no guidelines or laws concerning the use of the words natural or premium when it comes to labeling cat food.Cat Care Tip#2: Watch For Any Changes
Watching your cat for any changes in behavior is a good way to spot problems and hopefully get some type of treatment if needed. Cats are usually creatures of habit and you can use this quality to spot abnormal behavior. Some signs to look for would be any change in eating habits, litter box issues, constant grooming of a certain area or frequent coughing attacks. Any of these changes can be signs of some internal problem and you should take some type of action. Your cat can’t talk to you and it’s up to you to watch for any signs of distress. If you decide to change the brand of cat food you are serving your pet you may notice some of these changes as your cat adopts to the new food.
Cat Care Tip#3: Work With Your Vet
Guarding your pet’s overall health should start with vaccinations. Work with your local vet to make sure that all of your cat’s vaccinations are up to date and that you have a schedule for any vaccinations that will need to be given in the near future. The problem of feline distemper can be fatal to your cat, but it is one of the easiest to vaccinate against. The same can be said about feline leukemia, fatal but easily avoided with a vaccination. Vaccinations are doubly important if your pet is exposed to other animals, especially other cats. Be a good pet owner and keep your pet’s vaccinations up to date.. Getting worms isn’t just a problem for dogs, it also is a common problem for cats. It’s more common with cats who spend time outdoors, they are exposed to more of the carriers of worms than are cats who stay indoors. You can see the symptoms of worms quite easily, they will appear as little white lines around your cats anus and paws. Your pet will also suffer from a noticeable weight loss and vomiting. Your vet can give you medication for worms, usually in a liquid form that you give orally. Cats can lead long, healthy and happy lives with just a little bit of help from their two legged owners. Treat your cat’s health like you would your own and have them eat right and have regular visits to the vet.
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